LAUSD Policy Update

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LAUSD Policy Update

“So excited does not begin to express our appreciation. Today, the LAUSD School Board voted to Temporarily Suspend all Fees to Schools for 2019-2020 while we continue to work together on this policy.

Still have to do the paperwork. Still have to follow all the guidelines set up by PTA and LAUSD, but now you can set your budgets because we know we do not have to factor in additional Fingerprinting, Permit, Risk Management, Facility or Leasing Fees!!!

Hurray to everyone that worked on this and for the additional work that still needs to be done.”

-Barbara Smith

View Video Update:

“Good News for Families! We’re working to make it easier for families to engage in their child’s education.”

View Press Release:

Los Angeles Unified Approves Effort to Encourage Family Involvement in Schools (06-25-19)